Оператор in в Robot Framework
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С помощью in можно проверить входит ли такой объект в список или нет.
Такой оператор присутствует в
и других языках программирования.
in отделяется отступами в один пробел
$var in $list
Рассмотрим тест in.robot
*** Settings ***
Documentation Testing in operator
*** Variables ***
@{versions}= 18 19 20 21
${current_version}= 21
*** Keywords ***
Start TestCase
Log To Console "Starting Test Case"
Compare Versions
Log To Console ${current_version}
Should Be True $current_version in $versions
Finish TestCase
Log To Console "Finishing Test Case"
*** Test Cases ***
Verify that in is working
[Documentation] This test case verifies that "in" can be used
[Tags] Functional
Start TestCase
Compare Versions
Finish TestCase
robot in.robot
============================================================================== Example :: Testing in operator ============================================================================== Verify that in is working :: This test case verifies that "in" can... "Starting Test Case" .21 ."Finishing Test Case" Verify that in is working :: This test case verifies that "in" can... | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Example :: Testing in operator | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Output: /home/andrei/tests/Example/output.xml Log: /home/andrei/tests/Example/log.html Report: /home/andrei/tests/Example/report.html